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Sunday 20 March 2011

Attack on Libya

Today 19th of March 2011 an African Nation -Libya- is under  a devastating attack from 'Western European' and North American powers In the space of a few hours they have unleashed 110 Cruise and Tomahawks Missiles on twenty targets in Libya and they promise to continue indefinitely. We are entering an age of Armed neo-colonialism
On the 18th of March 2011 the UN security council adopted Chapter V11 1973 no-fly zone resolution on Libya. This resolution was supported by the usual suspects -UK, US, Portugal and France, however, what is singularly disturbing is that amongst those voting for the Resolution were the following African States -Nigeria, South Africa and Gabon, to this toxic mix must be added the following peripheral states, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Lebanon and Colombia. The 22 States  Arab League, that 'bastion of democracy' or, to put it more accurately that Club of Autocrats and Dictators, on the 12th March 2011 went on record calling for a no-fly zone, thus, providing a regional fig leaf for a new 'Neo-Colonialism. The Arab League consisting of such democratic luminaries as Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Iraq, Sudan, Yemen, Mauritania(Where Slavery is still rife) Somalia etc felt able to demand a no-fly zone  -wait for it- to protect Libyan civilians, while simultaneously several members of the Arab League were busy slaughtering their own unarmed civilians. It is this motley crew that supposedly persuaded and convinced some states either to vote for or abstain leaving the door open for this unfolding nightmare.     
'The representatives of China and the Russian Federation, explaining their abstentions, prioritized peaceful means of resolving the conflict and said that many questions had not been answered in regard to provisions of the resolution, including, as the Russian representative
put it, how and by whom the measures would be enforced and what the limits of
the engagement would be.  He said the resolution included a sorely needed
ceasefire, which he had called for earlier.  China had not blocked the action
with a negative vote in consideration of the wishes of the Arab League and the
African Union.'
The UN Sec. General Mr. Ban said that in adopting Resolution 1973, the Council had placed great importance on the appeal of the League of Arab States for action, its representative said
The AU while condemning the situation in Libya refused to endorse the no-fly zone.
As Always Wadi'The Zima